Monday, December 21, 2009


FIFA's role in monitoring international football


FIFA's role in monitoring international football

FIFA president Sepp Blatter spoke at the Arabian Sponsorship Forum at Emirates Palace hotel about the current financial strength of football and the role FIFA has to play in fighting "social devils."

The Abu Dhabi National states that Blatter acknowledged the role of former FIFA chairman Joao Havelange in using increased sponsorship revenue to make football more universal. “Football touches the world socially and culturally, and economically it has reached a dimension that means it also touches politics. But in our football society, we have all the devils of the wider world: violence, cheating, racism, doping, illegal betting, all that is in our game. That’s why FIFA must not only organise competitions, we must look after the social and cultural aspects of our game. There are 260 million active participants in football around the world, including players, coaches and referees. With all the family connections, the number involved – directly or indirectly – rises to over one billion. Almost one sixth of the world’s population.”

In speaking about sponsorships, Blatter also spoke about the changing dynamics of the relationships. “It was 35 years ago that I started to work with FIFA, then FIFA had no money.... We found Coca-Cola and Adidas and now we do not talk about sponsors, we talk about partners – they are married to FIFA.” Blatter said that FIFA is largely untouched by the global recession because of the strong ties built with blue chip partners over 30 years.

Frank Saoz, managing director of IFM Sport Marketing Surveys, indicates that football is the biggest contributor of the international sport sponsorship industry which is valued at USD 4.5 billion annually.


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